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October 22-23, 2024

The University of Texas at Austin
AT&T Conference Center

Event: EEMDL Annual Event

EEMDL will hold its second Annual Conference in October 2024. Workshops will be offered on October 21st as well.

Visit the 2024 EEMDL Annual Event page to learn more.

October 11-12, 2023

The University of Texas at Austin
PRC Commons Conference Center
Austin, TX

Event: EEMDL Annual Event

EEMDL will hold its first Annual Conference in October 2023, coinciding with the launch of its first U.S. Methane Census.

The annual event offers an optional pre-meeting workshop on Oct. 10th for in-person attendees.

Registration is required. Visit the 2023 EEMDL Annual Event page to learn more.

March 2023

March 22 & 24, 2023

Short Course: Methane 101

A two-part class through Texas Engineering Executive Education (TxEEE), the professional development division of the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, aims to give the energy industry greater understanding of how to measure, manage and reduce methane emissions from global oil and gas supply chains. The course will review our latest understanding of the spatial and temporal variations in methane emissions, discuss recent regulatory and voluntary approaches to emissions assessment, and introduce recent advances in technology that enable cost-effective emissions detection.

January 18, 2023

10:00 - 12:00 am CT

EEMDL Launch Event: FEAST and the EPA Supplemental Rule

This event will introduce the EEMDL initiative at UT Austin, it’s goals, and opportunities for all stakeholders to get involved. We will illustrate applications of EEMDL research by discussing EPA’s use of the Fugitive Emissions Abatement Simulation Toolkit or FEAST Model in the US Environmental Protection Agency’s recently released supplemental proposal for its methane rule. The EPA used the FEAST model to develop the matrix of survey frequency and detection threshold that operators could use to deploy new technologies in leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs. This webinar will summarize FEAST modeling in support of this rule, introduce stakeholders to model features, and provide examples of how operators and solution providers could use the model.

Webinar Recording:

August 12-16, 2024

The University of Texas at Austin


Instructed by Dr. David Allen, Dr. Arvind Ravikumar, Dr. David Lyon, and Dr. Erin Tullos, this 10-hour fundamentals course serves both as an introductory and refresher course covering the latest topics in greenhouse gas emissions and reporting in the oil and gas industry. 

Visit the Course Page to learn more and register